الأربعاء، 9 ديسمبر 2015

Committee for Rights and Freedoms Reviews Paper of Liberation and National Justice Party - Rawan For Media Artistic and Production

Committee for Rights and Freedoms Reviews Paper of Liberation and National Justice Party - Rawan For Media Artistic and Production

committee for rights and freedoms of the National Dialogue Conference
has reviewed a paper on the vision of the Liberation and National
Justice Party on the party's vision on the rights and freedoms.

paper affirmed the call of the Liberation and Justice Party for
expanding and guaranteeing freedoms on ground that these freedoms and
rights are stipulated by the heavenly religions and the international
charters and laws.

paper has stressed the importance of respect of the personal freedoms
and commitment to the principles of adherence to good governance for
establishing a modern and democratic state that is based on the lofty
values of the people of Sudan and the humanitarian principles that
honour the dignity and the rights of humans,

paper affirmed that citizenship is the source for rights and duties as
enshrined by the international conventions and charters and the

paper stated that the national dialogue and accord between the people
of one nation, without exclusion to any one, is a goal that all people
aim to attain.

paper has asserted the importance of sticking to the principles of
transparency in the management of the state affairs, combating
corruption and the state's commitment to the conventions and agreements
that it has signed internally, regionally and internationally.

paper said that war has resulted in negative and destructive impacts, a
matter that necessitates rebuilding of the social fabric.

paper also affirmed the right of the displaced citizens and refugees to
return to their home villages to enjoy services and to live their
normal life.

paper called for accord on a permanent constitution and reconsidering
the laws that are restricting freedoms as well as revitalizing the
National Commission for Human Rights and its sub-committees.

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