الاثنين، 25 يناير 2016

Khartoum Announces Establishment of International Body for Upholding Zakat Ritual - Rawan For Media Artistic and Production

Khartoum Announces Establishment of International Body for Upholding Zakat Ritual - Rawan For Media Artistic and Production

of Welfare and Social Security Mashair Al-Dawalab affirmed the
importance of establishing an international body for upholding Zakat
ritual for contributing in advancing it in terms of jurisprudence along
with its catch up with the international developments as well as forming
Islamic entities for unifying Islamic rank.

Minister welcomed while addressing the inaugural session of
establishing the international union for upholding Zakat ritual in
Corinthia hotel yesterday, the participants form Zakat organizations in
the Islamic countries

noted that the initiative of establishing an international union of
Zakat reflects the aspirations of the Islamic nations and it came in
time to accommodate the developments in the Zakat vessels wishing the
union to contribute in unifying the vision amidst member countries along
with maintaining the specificity of each state in the light of
globalization and changing economic concepts

By Zuleikha Abdul Raziq- Areej Khalid, 10 hours 9 minutes ago

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